
15 Years Later - Home Educated Canadian Adults
Results of a survey of adults who were home educated as children

The Spark - a mother's story of nurturing genius
by Kristine Barnett

Creating Innovators:  The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World
by Tony Wagner

Why Urban, Educated Parents Are Turning to DIY Education
by Linda Perlstein in January 30, 2012 Newsweek Magazine
Skipping School — When it came to educating her own children, one U of A alumna found it best for everyone to drop out
By Theresa Shea, '97 PhD January 24, 2011, New Trail magazine
Yes, My Grown Homeschooled Children Are Odd — And Yours Will Be Too!
By Diane Flynn Keith,
Homeschooling: From the Extreme to the Mainstream
October 2007 Fraser Institute
Thank you to homeschooler Kathy Malkin for sharing Educating @ Home, her series about day-to-day homeschooling, published in the Education Matters section of the Riverbend Ragg-Times. Her articles can be enjoyed at the links below:
Homeschooling: Socialization Not a Problem
by Michael Smith
The Washington Times, December 2009

"...Since the re-emergence of the home-school movement in the late 1970s, critics of home-schooling have perpetuated two myths. The first concerns the ability of parents to adequately teach their own children at home; the second is whether home-schooled children will be well-adjusted socially..." click here to read